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In this article, you will get to know more about how you set up and enable card payments in Turis.

Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

You will specifically learn more about:

  • How to enable card payments in my shop

  • Payment settings and payment terms

  • What does a card payment look like in my Order's section

  • Refunds and Stripe's support

Card payments in Turis are powered by Stripe.

This means your customers can pay right away in your Turis Shop with a debit or credit card. All transactions are encrypted and securely processed.

Stripe accept all major debit and credit cards from customers in every country.

You can read more about Stripe's payment options on this link: Payment options

How to enable card payments in my shop

To access the Payments, you start out by clicking on ⚙️Settings in the menu on the left-hand side followed by clicking on Payments.

Your window now look like this.

To connect the Stripe payment module with your Turis shop, click on the blue button 'Connect with Stripe'.

You will then be redirected to this site.

To connect your existing Stripe account simply use the email address your Stripe account is set up with initially. You will then be redirected to your existing Stripe account.

Don't have a Stripe account?

If you do not already have a Stripe account, then type in the email address you would like to use to register and create an account. This will take you directly to Stripes sign-up form.

After setting your password, then click 'Next' to complete the Stripe sign-up flow, to set up your new account.

Once you have connected your Stripe account, your Payments overview in Turis looks like this.

Payment settings and payment terms

This section will explain what the different payment settings mean and how you can configure them in relation to the payment terms in your shop.

Users with 0 days payment terms: this setting means that only Retailers with '0 days (Prepayment)' set as payment term can pay with card and only them.

This is what it will look like for a Retailer with '0 days (Prepayment)' set as payment term in the check-out.

All users (optional if the user has more than 0 days of payment terms): this setting, on the other hand, means that Retailers with a payment term set to be more than '0 days', as in '1 day or more days', get to choose between paying with card right away or pay by invoice.

This is what it will look like for a Retailer with more than '0 days (Prepayment)' e.g. '8 days' set as payment term in the check-out.

Here the Retailer can choose between paying by card or by invoice.

Authorize-only payments: ticking this box then means payments will not be captured automatically by Stripe. The capture will have to be manually requested via the Stripe dashboard in Stripe.

On the other hand, if it is not ticked, payments will be captured automatically by Stripe. Transactions and relevant details can be viewed in Stripe. (This is the default setting in Turis)

What does a card payment look like in my Order's section

This section will clarify what it looks like when you receive an order in your shop that is paid by card.

To review your orders, click on 🛒 Orders in the menu on the left-hand side.

For you as an Admin, when an order is completed and paid by card it will have a 'Paid' stamp stated on the right-hand side of the order.

If you click on the specific order to access the detailed order overview, the 'Paid' stamp will be displayed in the bottom right corner on the particular order.

Below the GRAND TOTAL there is a direct link to the 'Payment details', which will redirect you to Stripe's payment dashboard, where you can review the payment details.

What does it look like for my customers?

On the other hand, when a customer of yours complete a payment in the check-out paying by card he/she will submit the card details and then click 'Pay'.

Subsequently a payment confirmation will be sent, confirming the order was paid by card.

You can customize the sound and wording of this email by going to Tools > Emails > Email editor > Payment receipt for order (buyer facing).

Refunds and Stripe's support

All refunds of orders are processed and completed from your Stripe account in Stripe.

to Stripe: Sign-in

You can read more about how to issue and process a refund on this link: Refunds

If needed you can visit Stripe's Help & Support center on this link: Stripe Support

🔔 Please note: In Stripe all transactions are encrypted and securely processed.

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