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Shop and dashboard currencies
Shop and dashboard currencies

This article contains a describtion of how to manage different currencies on your shop

Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

You will specifically learn more about:

Where and how you set Currencies in your Turis B2B webshop

  • Select Shop Currencies

  • Assigning Currency to Retailer

  • Dashboard Visualization Currency


To access Currencies, you start out by clicking on ⚙️ Settings in the menu on the left-hand side followed by clicking on Currencies.

🔔 Please note: the first time you logged in to Turis you configured your shop Currencies in the Setup Wizard.

Select Shop Currencies

To begin with you click on the "Select Shop Currencies" and the dropdown will unfold.

Here you get to select the Currencies you want to use for your shop, by ticking the box(es). After selecting the different Currencies, remember to hit the "Save" button to save your changes. They will be displayed like below.

Here you can see we have chosen to add Swedish Krona (SEK) and Australian Dollars (AUD).

In the following section you will get to know how you assign the selected Currencies to your respective Retailers.

Assigning Currency to Retailer

Now that we have set up and added new Currencies, you can assign these to your respective Retailers. You do this by going to 👤 Users in the menu on the left-hand side, followed by clicking on Retailers.

🔔 Please note: it is mandatory for a Retailer to have a Currency assigned, meaning you cannot create a Retailer without assigning a specific Currency to it.

If you click on a random Retailer you will now see this window.

As you can see, this Retailer (Mages) has EUR assigned as its Currency. If you click on the Currency, the dropdown menu will unfold and you can now get to choose Australian Dollars (AUD) and Swedish Krona (SEK) as well as the Currencies that was chosen in the Setup Wizard.

If you want to change and update the Currency, simply just click on one of them and complete by hitting "Save".

Dashboard Visualization Currency

If you are selling in multiple Currencies, displaying each one of them individually in a graph can be very confusing. Instead, we cumulate and convert your sales in all Currencies into the Currency you have chosen in the Dashboard Visualization Currency. This will make it a lot easier for you to get an overview of how your business is performing as well as your user's buying behavior.

As you can see for this shop the Currency is set to Danish Krone (DKK). You can easily change this by clicking the Currency and selecting a new one.

Now the Dashboard Visualization Currency is set to Euros (EUR).

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