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Language Selector

This article descibes how you choose new or change the languages on you Turis-shop

Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

There are 180+ languages in Turis for you to choose from, to make sure you can configure and set up languages matching the markets your business operates in.

To access Languages, you start out by clicking on ⚙️ Settings in the menu on the left-hand side followed by clicking on Languages.

When clicking on Languages, two sub categories - Language Selector, and Manage translations - will appear. These sub categories will be explained and accounted for in the following sections.

How to set default language and enable language selector in your shop

Start out by clicking on the sub-category: Language Selector. The window below will appear.

Here you can see the default setting is English.

You can change the default language of your shop by clicking on the dropdown menu. Here you can either search or scroll to find the language you want set as the default language.

Once found and selected, remember to click "Save" to save your changes. The default language in the shop will now be German. This means when Buyers log in the language they see is German.

Allow users to change language from your shop

It is also possible to enable users to change languages themselves. Here you can enable up to 5 languages, which the users can select from in the shop.

By default this setting is not switched on. To switch it simply hit the toggle, so it switches from red to green.

To select other languages than English, click on the dropdown and you will be able to search or scroll for the language you are looking after.

We have now selected German (DE), Spanish (ES), French (FR) and Italian (IT) as the other languages, a user can choose from in the shop. Remember to click "Save" to save your changes.

What will it look like for my customers?

For you customers (Buyers and Sales Agents) it will look this.

A country dropdown selector where the user can select one of the five languages defined and set up.

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