Image & Content Bank

In this article, we will show you how to use the Image & Content bank in Turis, so your retailers can download matrial from your shop.

Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

In our image & content bank you can upload product material for your retailers to use. You can upload different formats in the image & content bank, such as pdfs, videos and images. Images and content are found in your admin sidebar.

🔔Please note: All formats supported are; PNG, JPG, DOCX, PDF, XLSX, MP4, MPEG and AVI.

With the Images & Content bank, you can also create folders to organize your material and content better for your retailers. To create a folder you press the button with a folder image. If all your products are already uploaded you might notice there are already some folders. These folders are auto-generated by the platform based on your product categories. Inside the folders, you will find the images for your products.

Then you choose a name and choose if the folder should be within another folder(Parentfolder)

If you don’t want the folder to be within another folder, but you want the folder you are creating to be a parent folder you leave the bottom field empty.

In this example, we are creating a new parent folder called ‘Test folder’

The new folder will be shown as the last folder.

To upload files into the folder you enter the new folder and press the button with a cloud imaged.

When pressed, this screen will appear where you can choose or drag you files to upload these.

When files are chosen, you can press ‘upload all’.

Then the files upload and you can see the files is uploaded by the green cast and ‘Upload completed’

After upload you can click ‘Done’ and you can now see that the image is uploaded to the folder

If you want to create a folder within the folder you press the folder icon and choose name. If you already are inside the parent folder you want the folder placed within, you only have to choose a name for the subfolder.

When name is chosen, click create folder and the folder will appear inside the parent folder.

You can also go one step further and create a folder inside the subfolder, to do this you follow the same steps as above.

To make sure your retailers are able to see the folders you have to turn on the ‘Make visible for buyers shop’ switch.

Turned off:

Turned on:

If you have some old folders and auto-generated folder you don’t want your retailers to see, you can hide certain folders. To do this you click the 3-dotted line in the corner of the folder:

The hide option will now appear:

And the when clicked, the hidden folder will look like so:

To delete folders, you press the same 3-dotted line and choose delete

🔔Please note: Auto-generated folders can not be deleted, only hidden.

Lastly, you can choose which sorting the content should be shown as to your retailers - This setting you'll find right next to the toggle "Make visible for buyers shop";

Here you can choose the following sortings;

  • Newest (recently added)

  • Oldest

  • A-Z

  • Z-A

What does the image & content bank look like for my retailers?

For your retailers the images & Content bank will look like this:

When the retailer press ‘Download’ on a folder they will be sent a link to their mail with the images within. They can also choose to download all folders on the green button ‘Download All’’

The email the retailer receives looks like this:

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