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Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

What are Subproducts?

Sub Products are all about products that relate to actual Products, but are not sellable on their own. Some examples of this could be return deposits on bottles, packaging, shipping etc.

Where do I find Subproducts?

Subproducts are found in your sidebar as a submenu when expanding Products.

You might notice this feature has a BETA-Label assigned as this feature is still under development - Because of this, you might experience a few errors, however, do not hesitate to let our support know about this.

How do I set up Subproducts?

Setting up subproducts on your Turis account is done in 2 steps;

  1. Create your subproduct

  2. Assign subproduct to a Product

When entering the subproducts page to set up your first subproduct you will be met by a page looking like so;

From here, click on the green plus/+ pointed to by the arrow. Now a new window should pop-up;

Here you see all the fields you have available for creating your subproducts, the fields are following;

  • Title (*required)

  • SKU

  • Price

  • Special Price Lists

  • Countries

  • Images

  • Ignore discounts

When you have filled all the fields with the data of your subproduct, click "Save"

After creating the Subproduct, head to your regular product section and open up the product you want to assign your subproduct to - When you open your product, find the Subproduct field and choose the right subproduct to assign to the product;

What does it look like for my retailers?

When you buyer log in and places the item with an attached subproduct to their basket it will look like this;

Subproducts are added in a 1:1 ratio, so for every product added, 1 subproduct will be added as well. In the example above there is added 12 pcs of the regular product, which automatically has added 12 pcs of the subproduct. The price of the subproducts total will be calculated and added to the total price as well.

What should I be aware of when using Subproducts?

In case the subproduct is an actual physical product like packaging, you cannot keep stock of the product in Turis or through a standard integration, as there is no field for this on the feature.

It is possible to assign multiple subproducts to 1 product.

Subproducts cannot be sold as individual products - Should you retailers be able to buy the subproduct as a standalone product, please create this as a regular product.

The SKU is not a required field, like with regular products.

There can only be 1 image to a subproduct.

The subproduct will only be available to retailers with the same country assigned as the subproduct.

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