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Your checklist to going live with Turis
Your checklist to going live with Turis
Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated this week

Launching your B2B platform with Turis can be a game-changing moment for your business. To ensure a flawless go-live, a thorough checklist is your best ally. This article presents a streamlined guide to help you cover all critical aspects, paving the way for a successful launch.

Most likely you have received a welcome email from a Turis implementation representative, containing some of the same information and who will be your main contact person during your implementation. Please feel free to contact your designated implementation specialist or [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

P.s. We have included a short, simple checklist at the bottom of the article available for download.

Create your account

The creation of a Turis account is done on the following link:

In some cases you might already have been provided a demo account by our sales team. in these cases, we can convert the demo to a regular Turis account. For these cases, send your Turis representative an email with your desired URL and email for ownership of the account, and they will help you transfer the account.

Make sure to add your implementation specialist or [email protected] as an admin user in your Settings > User management as they would need access to your account, in case you need any assistance setting up your account.

In Settings > User management you can also add any other representatives from your team who would need admin access to your Turis account.

Furthermore, your Turis implementation specialist also needs access to turn on all pro-features.

Create your products

Creating your products can be done in a few different ways, depending on your preferences and current set-up - We will list your different options below;

1. Import products from Shopify

This can be done during your sign-up process or directly in your Turis account.

When using the importer, you will have to set generic case quantities and prices for all products - However, these can be adjusted later via the individual products or through our bulk uploader and updater.

Products can be created manually in Products > Products.

When creating your products make sure to always fill out the following fields as these are required for product creation;


*SKU (must be unique for each product/variant)


*Purchase requirements(Case quantities)

*Stock (If you will have any stock integration connected later on, fill out a stand-in stock value until this is connected)

Our built-in bulk uploader and updater can be found in Tools > Bulk uploader. Here you can find a selection of different templates that can be used for creation and updating various aspects of Turis.

Simply choose Products in the drop-down and download the template to start creating your products via our Bulk uploader. When filling the template, make sure to keep in mind that each line is a new data entry and should contain all required information at a minimum. Required entries are the same as when you create a product manually.

When you have decided which option to use for the creation of products - in addition, you should also decide on the following regarding your products

  • Are you working with Special price lists?

  • Does your products have variants?

  • Are you selling any products in bundles for B2B?

  • If you have used the Shopify importer, are there any products that should not be sold B2B? In that case, you need to go through your products and delete or hide these from your shop.

Create your retailers

Creation your retailers is always done in 2 steps; first you create your retailers and then your buyers. All retailers must have a buyer and vice versa. To break down in short, this is the difference between retailers and buyers;

Retailers: These are the companies and should contain all invoice information.

Buyers: These are the contact persons at the company, and the log-in which they will use to place orders.

When creating your B2B customers you have multiple options to create these;

1. Manually create all Retailers and buyers

Creating trailer and buyer are done in Users > Retailers > All Retailers and Buyers.

When creating your retailers these are the required fields you must fill out for each retailer;

*Company name



*Zip Code




Note: Depending on your integrations, other fields could become required, such as customer no. or VAT no. Make sure to check this with your Turis representative.

For buyers the required fields must be filled;

*First name



Note: All buyers must have a unique email, that are not used on other buyers, agents or admins.

When you are creating your customers manually make sure to say to invite your buyers in the pop-up, as inviting your buyers would be the last step when setting up your account.

2. Import via our Built-in bulk uploader

You can also create your retailers and buyers through our bulk uploader, for these you need two different templates in the Bulk Uploader; Retailer and Buyers.

As for the templates, each entry is a new retailer or buyer and each entry must contain the required information for a successful upload in the end. The required information is the same as with the manual creation, however for retailers template VAT numbers must also be filled - If you have no VAT numbers for your retailers, please fill this field with "VAT no."

If you are new to the B2B world or simply have to many inactive customers you don't want to sort through in a bulk upload or create manually in Turis the solution to creating customers might be the choice for you. Simply set up the request form and forward the link to your customers to start receiving applications.

When applications are received in Turis you can start accepting these and create the retailers from the form tool - This tool will fill in most of the information for you on the retailer and you can invite them to create a password directly from the form.

The form can also be attached to your Turis log-in page and you can add this to your B2C website as well.

If you decide on the approach to create retailers through forms, we recommend doing this as the very last step in your platform set-up when you are about to invite your buyers.

To forms we also have a notification setting available to turn on, to make sure you never miss a new form submission in Turis - This is found in Settings > Notifications;

Set the tone of your shop

This is where you start to see your shop come to life as an extension of your own business and brand. Setting the tone of your shop can be done both in the design and the tone of your emails.


For design there are a few options for you to look into - We have made sure to collect all of these in this guide, so you have the complete overview.


In Turis we have a collection of automatic emails we send to both your buyers and admins, these can of course be changed to fit your brand and tone of voice - We recommend going through these ensuring these match your business. These templates can be found in Tools > Emails > Email Editor. As a minimum you should go through Buyer invitations (for buyers), Order confirmation(for buyers) and Wholesale storefront link (for buyers), as these would be the most received emails on your buyers' end.


Forms is already mentioned in the previous step as an option to create retailers, however, we suggest no matter the choice for creating retailers, you should always have a request form available for new, potential customers to sign up through either your Turis login page and/or B2C website.

Go through settings

We also recommend getting familiar with all available settings, but if you're in a pinch we recommend these as a minimum;

Notifications: Here you decide what you and your buyers each receive from Turis

Site settings: Set up main colors and buttons of your shop - This is also where you add Terms and Conditions.

Login page: Create a branded login page with image, logo and colors

Shipping: This is created in two tiers; Regions and rates. Rates can either be weight or amount-based.

Tax: You should always set up Tax for the country you are operating in, to ensure retailers of the same origin get taxed on their orders.

Discounts: You might want to launch your B2B platform with a discount, to entice your retailers to log in and place their first orders - We recommend using a discount voucher for this, which you can also add to your buyer invitations.

Set up your integrations

Depending on the integration, either you or your Turis representative will need to set it up.

While most basic integrations and automations can be configured fairly quickly, we recommend you contact our support team to get started. They will let you know what you can do yourself or what they need to configure the integrations for you.

Get familiar with the new workflow

When your entire platform is set up with products, retailers, settings, and integration it's time to play around and get familiar with your new B2B platform. This ensures you are well-equipped to handle a new workflow and get the hang of things before you go-live and receive real orders.

We recommend therefore you get acknowledged with following points while testing the platform;

  • Know how to create products/change prices/create variants

  • Know how to create retailers/buyers

  • Know how to create an order for a retailer

  • Know how to edit orders

  • Know how to transfer your order to other systems via status triggers

  • Know how generally your integrations with other systems work

  • Get familiar with what exports are available (Dashboard, products, retailer, buyers, orders and bulk uploader)

Invite your buyers!

It's finally time to go-live with Turis - Hurray!

For inviting your buyers, we have a few options for you to choose from;

Bulk invite via bulk action

You can bulk invite your buyer by accessing your page with all buyers (Users > Retailers > buyers) and then clicking "Bulk action";

From here select which you want to invite or click "Select all", if you simply want to invite all buyers at once;

Then in the "Select option" choose "Send invites" and lastly, click Apply - Now an invitation will be sent out to all selected buyers;

Note: If you have a lot of buyers on your page, make sure to scroll through the entire page before clicking "Select all".

Send individual invitations

Sending the individual invitation can be done on every single buyer's card - Here, simply open the buyer you want to invite and click "Invite" in the email field;


As we mentioned in "Create your retailers", it is possible to create retailers through Forms. When you start to receive form submissions, you can accept these directly in the feature for forms and invite your buyers to place orders straight away.


If you have numerous buyers and retailers, our support team can assist with bulk invitations. Simply reach out to us at [email protected] or contact your Turis representative, and we will be happy to help.


When you invite your buyers to Turis, you can keep track of who logs in. To see this you can either open the individual buyer;

Or export all buyers into a .csv file;

We recommend using this export, as this comes in handy when you want a successful start, so you can act on buyers who are slow or never log in.

Anything else?

We also recommend, in preparation for inviting your buyers, to set up a game plan for going live. This can be preparing a newsletter flow, when and if you should reach out to your buyers to activate them after the invitations, setting up a discount etc.

We suggest preparing a newsletter flow before going live with Turis to inform your retailers, that they will receive an invitation from us to alleviate any confusion or uncertainty on the buyers end. We furthermore suggest that you include a discount code and a link to forms in these newsletters to entice placing an order.

We have made an example here;

Additionally, as shortly mentioned in "Go through settings", you can also add the discount voucher to your buyers invitation;

Simple Turis checklist

Now, we know this was a long read with a lot of side tracks, so we have made sure to also provide you with a simple, short-versioned checklist that you can download below;

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