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Quote Orders
Viktoria Varga avatar
Written by Viktoria Varga
Updated over a week ago

With Turis, you can let your customers request quote orders from your shop with just one click.

How to activate Quotes in Turis?

Head over to Settings -> Order Settings -> Quotes to activate the feature.

How do buyers place quote orders?

Similar to placing orders, customers begin by adding items to their cart that they wish to request a quote for. Upon clicking the ‘Submit’ button at checkout, a dropdown menu appears allowing customers to choose between placing an ‘Order’ or requesting a ‘Quote’. Selecting ‘Quote’ submits their request to the seller with all the selected items.

Check-out (buyer’s side):

What will the Quote Order look like on the seller's side?

Once the quote request is submitted, it appears in the seller’s ‘Orders’ overview marked with a ‘Quote Order’ label. The seller can then modify the quote, applying discounts, and adding or removing products as needed.

Editing the Quote (seller’s side):

In this example, a 10% discount has been applied to each line item, and a few additional suggested items have been added to the order. The seller can now click the ‘Save & Notify’ button, which will automatically generate an email response to the buyer with the updated quote.

What will the modified quote email look like for the buyer?

The email with the modified order quote will display the applied discounts and all additional items attached to the order. The buyer can view the quote by clicking the ‘Go to quote’ button in the email, which redirects them to their order history where they can accept the quote.

🔔 The modified quote email will be sent to buyers only if the seller has activated notifications for order updates. If this setting is not enabled, the buyer will not receive an email with the modifications made to the quote by the seller.

Buyers accepting the quote through their order history:

Once the buyer clicks the ‘Accept’ button, the quote order will be converted into a regular order, causing the ‘Quote order’ label to disappear from the seller’s and buyer's ‘Orders’ overview.

Accepted Quote (seller’s side):

Notice the accepted quote will no longer have the ‘Quote order’ header.

Good to know:


Upon submitting a Quote order, akin to orders, both the seller and buyer will be sent confirmation emails on the quote placed. The content of the quote confirmation and update emails has been pre-defined, but sellers have the flexibility to customize the text of these emails according to their preferences.

Can the seller accept a quote without making any changes to it?

Yes, sellers can accept the quote order without making any further modifications. By doing so, the quote will be instantly transformed into an Order.

Can the buyer reject a quote order?

There is no option for the buyer to reject a modified quote directly in their order history window. However, if the buyer is not satisfied with the updated quote, they can respond to the 'Your quote was modified' email, prompting the seller to make further adjustments. The buyer will be notified of any additional changes via email. To accept the quote, they must log in to their order history window.

Stock handling

Once the quote order is submitted, the stock balance of the items in the cart is deducted. If a quote order is declined, deleting the quote will restore the stock levels of the items in the quote.

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