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Dynamic Discounts
Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

What is Dynamic Discounts and how is it used?

Dynamic Discounts let sellers automatically apply discounts to eligible buyers without needing voucher codes. Unlike vouchers, these discounts are tailored to specific buyer groups and products, making them more precise.

Sellers can then create targeted campaigns, and discounts are applied when eligible buyers log in, avoiding the need to share voucher codes.

Where do I find it?

Dynamic discounts is found 🔧Tools;

How is it set-up?

Setting up a Dynamic Discount is done swiftly in a few steps.

In this example, we will be creating a discount of 20% for a certain category of products, with a minimum order amount of 200eur for retailers assigned to the country Denmark (DK).

To create a new Dynamic Discount click "+Add new Dynamic Discount"

Now you will be taken through the steps needed to create a new Dynamic Discount;

Dynamic Discount Name

This is where you give the campaign a name.

For the example, we are naming the Dynamic Discount "Category Discount for DK"

Active Dates

For active dates you can choose between having the Dynamic Discounts active until you turn it off manually or active between a selected period of dates

In this example, we are selecting the Dynamic Discount to be active in the date range of October.


This is where you choose the Discount of the Dynamic Discount and if there should be any minimum order amount for the Dynamic Discount - Should the discount be available without any minimum order amount this field can be left out.

In our example we only want to offer the buyers 20% when they spent a minimum of 200eur.

Dynamic Discount Allowances

Dynamic Discount allowances allow you to specify the number of units the buyer can purchase to receive the discount. Choose between unlimited units or a limited amount of units.

For this example, we will keep unlimited product units.

Company Segmentation Criteria

Here you choose which segment the discount should be eligible for. You can choose between;

  • Country

  • Special Price List

  • Custom (Choose specific retailers)

For this example we want the discount to be available to all retailers assigned with the country Denmark.

Assign Products

For the last step you will be choosing the products in the Dynamic Discount. Here you can select between all products or a custom selection of products.

For our example we only some products to get this discount, so here we choose Custom.

Selecting custom allows us to now add which products we want to receive the discount. Here all products within category "Assorted" have been selected.

When you are finished with the set-up, click Save.

When the Dynamic Discount has been saved, this will appear like so in Tools > Dynamic Discount.

Should you need to edit or change the Dynamic Discount, this can be done on the 🖊.

What does it look like for the buyers

When the buyers, who has this discount eligible, logs in and has items into their basket which fits the defined settings of the Dynamic Discount, they will be presented with the discount on the productcard and in the basket;

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