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Page Builder

Do you want to give your retailers an even more personalized buying experience?

Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

You can use the page builder to create customized landing pages or subcategories sites. In those, you can display shop information, ongoing campaigns or discounts for a certain product category!

To create a page you need to go to tools and click “Page builder”.

You will now be taken to this page. Click on “+/Plus” to create a new page.

By pressing the plus again you can select the structure of your page. You can either choose a full width or up to 4 different columns in which you can create content.

Content can be a picture, text, or a button. By drag and drop, you can choose how you want to sort the content on the page.

You can edit each piece of content individually. If you click on one of the selected contents, a sidebar opens up and you have two tabs; “Style” and “Settings”.


In settings, you decide if you want to upload the picture from the media library or a file. You can also change the background color and add a link.

In the “style” tab you can edit the “cover”, corner radius, and size of the picture. Below that you can also choose the preferred alignment and adjust the top, bottom, left and right spacing.


Editing a text is just as easy. In “Settings”, you can write the text and below that, you can add a link. The link can lead anywhere inside the Turis platform or even to your main B2C website.

In the “Style” tab you can edit the font of the text. That includes font type, color, spacing, and size. At the bottom, you can also choose the alignment.


The same editing applies to a “Button”. In Button settings, you can adjust the size, corner radius, alignment, and spacing. In the style tab, you are able to change the button text, add the link, and change the font.

If you want to add another layer to the page with a different structure you can simply press the “plus”. The new structure layout will be added below the first layer.

After you are done creating the page you can either publish it or save it as a draft.

Either way, the page will appear like this:

Apply new page to your shop

If you choose to publish the page, it will appear in the navigation tab. There you can decide where you want your page to be displayed to your retailers. Simply move it by drag and drop between your product categories.

Pro Tip: Most companies chose to set up their brand sites as the main landing page for all retailers. You can do that by clicking the three little dots and press “Select as homepage”.

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