With the stock update in the bulk uploader it is possible for you to append or overwrite you current stock for all products or some products. To update stock you go into the bulk uploader in Tools and choose ‘Update Stock Levels’ in the drop down.
From here you download the template and open this, preferably in google sheets.
Now you can enter the SKU’s you want to edit the stock on and the stock level. Please have in mind beforehand if you want to append the stock or overwrite the stock.
When the fields is filled out with the information you want, you can go ahead and download the file to your PC. Remember that you should download the file as a .CSV file.
When downloadet, you are now ready to upload the file back into the bulk uploader. Remeber to choose ‘Update stock Levels’ in the drop down and if you want to overwrite or append to the current stock. When ready, hit the upload button.
When the upload is finished you screen will look like this:
🔔Please note, that if you have added SKU’s with a typing error or are non-existing to the platform, these will not update. The system will let you know what SKU’s were not edited in the upload.
🔔Pro tip: In your product section, you can download a csv file, with all your current products and current data. From this you can copy/paste your sku's and stock levels.