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Special Tax Lists
Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

With special tax lists you can add a different tax/VAT rate to certain products.

To find special tax lists, go to Settings > Tax > Special tax Lists;

Now you should be met by a screen, that looks like this:

To create your fist special tax list start by clicking the green plus/+:

For this example we will use the Norwegian food tax/vat rate on 15%. Norways standard VAT rate is 25%.

When clicking the green plus, these new fields will pop up on your screen;

Simply fill out the field according to the information you want shown for your retailer. Since we are using Norwegian food tax 15% as an example, the fields would be filled like so;

When filled, click Save.

When saved, your screen will now show the new tax list you have created. To choose which items too add to the list, click the tax list, which is underlined;

Now a pop-up will appear where you can see the lists name, country and procentage, along with a list of all your products.

Now you go through the products and tick off the proudcts which should have this new special tax added.

When all products are ticked off, click Save.

Now when Norwegian retailer logs-in to place orders and places orders on these exact items, the basket will calculate a 15% vat rate, instead of the norwegian standard rate on 25%.

When creating new products on your page, you will also be able to add a special tax list to the products too - This is done in the field Special tax lists;

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