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This article describes how to set up Regions for Shipping

Sofie Birch Løfstedt avatar
Written by Sofie Birch Løfstedt
Updated over a week ago

To access Regions, you start out by clicking on ⚙️ Settings in the menu on the left-hand side followed by clicking on Shipping.

When clicking on Shipping, three sub categories - Regions, Rates and Delivery terms - will appear. These sub categories will be explained and accounted for in the following sections.

Setting up Regions

The first section you will arrive in after clicking on Shipping is regions.

In Turis you define regions by selecting the various countries that essentially make up a shipping region for your business.

A region can vary from being just one country or a group of multiple countries. It very much depends on how your business handles shipping and related shipping costs.

If you have very specific shipping prices for individual countries, then set up each of those countries individually.

On the other hand, if you have a group of selected countries where the shipping prices are the same, then select and add them as one region.

- This could e.g. be all countries within the EU.

Click on "Select countries" and the dropdown will unfold. Here you can choose as many countries you want, for the shipping region you are about to define and set up.

You can either search by the country name or scroll through the various countries, to find the country/countries you are looking for.

When you have found the country you are looking for simply tick the box on the right side to add it to the region you are setting up.

If you are adding multiple countries to the same region, then simply continue until you have all the countries you are looking for in this particular region.

The countries will be added as a two-letter country code.

You can delete and remove a country easily by clicking the little cross next to the two-letter country code.

Once you have found and added the country or countries for the region you are defining, then give the region a name.

You complete by clicking "Save" and the region will be displayed below by its region name.

If you need to add an extra country, delete one, rename the region or delete the entire region, simply click the green "Edit" button.

Setting up Regions for the United States of America

If you are setting up regions for the United States of America you get to select States.

Here you can either select all States or you can select the States that essentially make a shipping region for your business.

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