Subscription Orders

Want to offer your buyers to create subscriptions, making re-ocurring orders placed automatically? Activating our Subscription Order Module might be the feature for you!

With our Subcription Order Module you can select how frequent your buyers are able to place the same order automatically without you or your buyers having to enter Turis - Only the first order needs to be placed and Turis will automatically place the order based on the frequency chosen by the buyer in their checkout.

Where and How to Activate Subscription Orders 

Subscription Orders are activated in Settings > Checkout Settings, by tabbing the switch. Here after you select all the frequencies you want available for your buyers to choose from in the dropdown. 

*The frequency will begin from the day the orders is placed by the retailers. This means if the order is placed on a Wednesday, with a frequency of every week, the order will automatically be placed very Wednesday for the buyer.

You are also able to define your own frequencies by clicking Create New Frequency in the drop-down;

When clicking Create New Frequency will present you with a pop-up that allows you to choose a Frequency name and select the number of days which is eligible for this specific frequency;

When saving the new frequency, this will be pre-selected as an available option to your buyers.

When Subscription Orders are activated and all edits are finalized to the frequencies, don't forget to hit "Save" before exiting the page.

Subscription Orders From the Buyerside



For the buyers this is a pretty simple set-up. After you have activated the Subcription Order module in your settings, your buyers will be presented the possibility to select if the order should be re-occuring and at which frequency the order should automatically be placed for them. 

Overview for Buyers

The buyers will also have their own overview of their subscriptions available. To access this, they can expand the drop-down by their name in their sidebar and select Subscriptions;

Here they can manage all their subscriptions by altering the frequencies, pausing/activating or deleting them. 

Furthermore they can also see more details of each subscription by clicking the arrow next to the delete button;

When expanding the subscription they can see details such as;

  • Active/Paused status
  • Next Order
  • Frequency
  • Total amount
  • Product list, including Cases & Units, unit prices and total Product line item


Attached to our Subscription Module, we also have an automatic email, which is sent for the buyers. This email is much like the regular orderconfirmation email, but with a few tweaks in the emails header and body;

If the automatic email does not match your brands tone of voice, the emails template can be edited in Tools > Emails > Email editor;

Subscription Orders on Admin


When a Subscripiton Order is received from a retailers this will be marked clearly on the orders in Turis and can be recognized by the tag "Subscription Order" on the top, left corner of the individual order;

Other than the tag on the order, this looks just like a regular order as you know it and can be edited as normally if needed.

*Note that changes on the order will change the set-up of the subscription, this means if you add another products, delete a product or add a discount, this will be added to the next-coming subscriptions.

Subscription Overview

Just like the buyers, you as an admin also have a full overview of all subscriptions, where you can manage and see the specific details of each Subscription - Here you of course have the full overview of all subscriptions received from all buyers.

To find the overview, head to your order section and select Subscriptions


As for emails, There will also be sent an email notification for the account owner everytime a new subscription order is received in Turis.Just like for the buyers, this email is also much like the regular orderconfirmation email. 



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