Bulk updating products via Bulk uploader

Did you know you can easily update most of your product data in bulk using the Bulk Uploader tool? Follow this step-by-step guide to streamline your product updates.

How to Bulk Update Your Products

1. Navigate to the Bulk Uploader

  • Go to Tools > Bulk Uploader
  • Select Products from the dropdown menu

2. Download and Prepare the Template

  • Download the provided template and open it in Google Sheets or Excel
  • Ensure the following columns remain in the sheet when re-uploading:
    • Name
    • SKU (cannot be updated)
    • Category
    • Stock

3. Modify Your Product Data

  • Remove any unnecessary columns except the required ones and the fields you want to update
  • Keep only the products that need changes
  • Example: To update colors, your sheet should include:
    • Name, SKU, Category, Stock, Colors
  • Enter the updated data in the relevant columns

4. Upload the Updated File

  • Save your file as a .CSV
  • Go to Tools > Bulk Uploader > Products and upload your file
  • Click Upload to start processing
  • Do not refresh or leave the page until the upload reaches 100%

5. Verify Your Updates

  • Once the upload is complete, check a few products to confirm the changes

Additional Notes

✅ You can update multiple fields at once—no need for separate uploads for each column
✅ When updating variant data, ensure all Variant, Variant Title, and Size/Color columns are included
Images cannot be updated or removed via the Bulk Uploader
SKU values must not be changed
Products cannot be deleted using the Bulk Uploader

By following these steps, you can efficiently update your product catalog while ensuring data accuracy.

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