Bulk uploader: Update Stock Level

This article explains how you quickly and easily can update your stock levels.

With the stock update feature in the bulk uploader, you can easily append or overwrite your current stock levels for all products, or select products, at once. Follow the steps below to update stock using the bulk uploader.

Steps to Update Stock Levels:

Access the Bulk Uploader
Go to Tools > Bulk Uploader and choose ‘Update Stock Levels’ from the dropdown menu.

Download the Template
Once you've selected the option, download the provided template. It's recommended to open the file in Google Sheets for easier editing.

Enter SKUs and Stock Levels
In the template, input the SKUs you want to edit and the corresponding stock levels. Before proceeding, decide if you want to append (add to the current stock) or overwrite (replace the current stock) the stock levels.

Fill Out the Template
After entering the required information, save the file as a .CSV format.

Upload the File
Once the template is filled out and saved, go back to the bulk uploader in Tools and select ‘Update Stock Levels’ from the dropdown again. Choose the .CSV file you just saved. Make sure you select whether you want to append or overwrite the stock levels, then click the Upload button.

Upload Completion
After the upload is complete, your screen should display the confirmation of the update.

Important Notes:

🔔 SKU Errors
If any SKUs are misspelled or don't exist in the system, they will not be updated. The bulk uploader will notify you of which SKUs were not updated.

🔔 Pro Tip:
In the Products section, you can download a .CSV file containing all your current products and their data. This file will make it easier for you to copy and paste SKUs and stock levels when updating.

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