Field Editor
You will specifically learn more about:
- How to add or re-arrange input fields for Products
- How to add or re-arrange input fields for Retailers
- How to add or re-arrange input fields for Buyers
- How to add or re-arrange input fields for Sales Agents
In Turis there are a bunch of various predefined input fields for Products, Retailers, Buyers and Sales Agents. Luckily you can add or re-arrange these fields and customize it to your business needs.
The following sections will explain how to add new fields or re-arrange the existing ones.
To access Field Editor, you start out by clicking on βοΈSettings in the menu on the left-hand side followed by clicking on Field Editor.
How to add or re-arrange input fields for Products
If you want to add or re-arrange an input field such as, ingredients, flavour, tariff code or something completely different you can do just that.
To get started click on the dropdown menu and choose Products.
After choosing Products your window will look like this, where you can see all the existing input fields there are.
If you want to re-arrange the order of which the one or more input fields are displayed you simply click on the three dots (to the left of the input field) to drag and drop the field.
If you on the other hand want to add a new input field, you scroll to the bottom of the window and click on the "+ / plus"
Here you get to name the input field you about to create as well define the field type, if it is a required field and its validation.
Once you have completed defining the new input field, you click "Save". The field is now added and from here you can drag and drop it, to make sure it has the right placement.
If we jump to the π¦ Products section and click on the "+ / plus" in the upper right corner, to add a new product, we can now see the new input field.
That is it - we have now added a new field for Tariff codes, which can be filled out when creating new products.
How to add or re-arrange input fields for Retailers
To get started click on the dropdown menu and choose Retailers.
You then get to view all the default fields that already exist in Turis.
If you want to re-arrange the order of which the one or more input fields are displayed you simply click on the three dots (to the left of the input field) to drag and drop the field.
If you on the other hand want to add a new input field, you scroll to the bottom of the window and click on the "+ / plus"
Here you get to name the input field you about to create as well define the field type, if it is a required field and its validation.
Once you have completed defining the new input field, you click "Save". The field is now added and from here you can drag and drop it, to make sure it has the right placement.
If we jump to π€ Users, then Retailers and click on the "+ / plus" in the upper right corner, to add a new retailer, we can now see the new input field.
That is it - we have now added a new field, which can be filled out when creating new retailers.
How to add or re-arrange input fields for Buyers
To get started click on the dropdown menu and choose Buyers.
You then get to view all the default fields that already exist in Turis.
If you want to re-arrange the order of which the one or more input fields are displayed you simply click on the three dots (to the left of the input field) to drag and drop the field.
If you on the other hand want to add a new input field, you go to the bottom of the window and click on the "+ / plus"
Here you get to name the input field you about to create as well define the field type, if it is a required field and its validation.
Once you have completed defining the new input field, you click "Save". The field is now added and from here you can drag and drop it, to make sure it has the right placement.
If we jump to π€ Users, then Buyers and click on the "+ / plus" in the upper right corner, to add a new buyer, we can now see the new input field.
That is it - we have now added a new field, which can be filled out when creating new buyers.
How to add or re-arrange input fields for Sales Agents
To get started click on the dropdown menu and choose Sales Agents.
You then get to view all the default fields that already exist in Turis for Sales Agents.
If you want to re-arrange the order of which the one or more input fields are displayed you simply click on the three dots (to the left of the input field) to drag and drop the field.
If you on the other hand want to add a new input field, you go to the bottom of the window and click on the "+ / plus"
Here you get to name the input field you about to create as well define the field type, if it is a required field and its validation.
Once you have completed defining the new input field, you click "Save". The field is now added and from here you can drag and drop it, to make sure it has the right placement.
If we jump to π€ Users, then Sales Agents and click on the "+ / plus" in the upper right corner, to add a new sales agent, we can now see the new input field.
That is it - we have now added a new field, which can be filled out when creating new sales agents.