Product Cards: Define Container Sizes

The Product Card is a key component of your shop's product display. It showcases your products in a clear and engaging way, allowing your Buyers to make informed decisions. In Turis, you can customize how your product cards appear, including the size of the container and the display of quantities. This guide explains the different settings available to tailor your product cards for optimal display in your shop.

Accessing the Products Section

To manage your product settings, start by clicking on ⚙️ Settings in the menu on the left-hand side. Then, click on Products.

Once inside the Products section, you will see nine subcategories:

  • New products
  • Out of stock
  • Backorders
  • Stock visibility
  • Sort options
  • Product card
  • Shipping motivator
  • Buyer data export
  • Favorites

The following sections will explain how to customize the Product Card.

Product Container Sizes

You have the option to feature your products in two different container sizes:

  • Standard Size: The default container size for displaying products.
  • Enlarged Size: A larger product container to highlight specific products.

To feature your products in an enlarged container, simply select the Enlarged Container Size option.

Quantity Field Dropdown

With the Quantity Field Dropdown, you can allow Buyers to enter the amount they want directly into the quantity field. This feature gives them the flexibility to select or manually input the quantity of products they wish to purchase.

To enable the Quantity Field Dropdown, navigate to the Product Card section and toggle the option to Enable Quantity Field Dropdown.

This will allow the Buyer to choose the quantity directly from a dropdown menu.

What Does It Look Like in My Shop?

When activated, your product cards will display the chosen container size and, if enabled, a drop-down for selecting the product quantity.

For the Enlarged Container Size, the product will appear larger on the product card.

When the Quantity Field Dropdown is enabled, Buyers will see a dropdown to enter the quantity directly, making it easier for them to specify their desired amount.

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