Language Selector in Turis

This article descibes how you choose new or change the languages on you Turis-shop

Turis offers the flexibility of over 180 languages, enabling you to tailor the language options to the markets your business serves. Whether you want to reach a global audience or simply cater to specific regions, the Language Selector allows you to easily configure and manage language preferences.

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of setting up the Language Selector, configuring the default language for your shop, and enabling customers to switch between languages seamlessly. Let's dive into how you can optimize your shop’s language settings to enhance the user experience for your buyers and sales agents.

How to Access the Language Settings

To begin configuring languages, navigate to Settings by clicking the ⚙️ icon in the menu on the left-hand side. From there, click on Languages.

Once in the Languages section, you will see two subcategories: Language Selector and Manage Translations. In this article we will be focusing on Language Selector.

How to Set the Default Language and Enable the Language Selector in Your Shop

By default, your shop’s language is set to English. To change this, click on the dropdown menu, where you can search or scroll through the list of available languages.

Once you’ve selected the desired language, click Save to apply your changes. For example, if you select German, the default language of your shop will change to German, meaning that buyers who log in will see the interface in German.

Allow Users to Change Languages in Your Shop

In addition to setting a default language, you can also allow users (buyers and sales agents) to change the language themselves. You can enable up to five languages for users to choose from in the shop.

By default, this feature is turned off. 

To activate it, simply toggle the setting from red to green.

To add languages, click on the dropdown menu and search or scroll through the list to select the languages you want to offer. 

Don’t forget to click Save to save your changes.

What Will It Look Like for My Customers?

For your customers (both buyers and sales agents), the language selection will be visible as a dropdown menu, allowing them to choose from the languages you’ve set up in the shop.

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