Managing Your B2B Shop's Sidebar Through Navigation

This article teaches you how to use Navigation.

Navigation in Turis gives you full control over how your shop is presented to your retailers. Here, you can manage the sidebar menu, hide categories and product groups, change their order, and add external links. This helps you build an intuitive and organized shop where retailers can easily find the products and information they need.

How to Add a New Navigation Item

To add a new item to navigation:

  • Click the green plus/+ icon in the top right corner.
  • Fill out the fields in the pop-up window "New navigation item" by giving it a name and selecting a type.
  • Click "Save" to confirm.

The new item will now appear at the bottom of the navigation list.

Managing Categories and Product Groups in Navigation

Categories and product groups are now created in the Products section in Turis, but they can still be managed in Navigation. In the navigation settings, you can:

  • Hide categories and product groups by clicking the ‘eye’ icon.
  • Reorder them relative to each other and other navigation items, such as Pages and External Links.

Changes made here affect how your retailers see the sidebar in your shop.

Read more about managing you categories and product groups here

Add External Links

You can also add external links to navigation:

  • Click the green plus/+ icon in navigation.
  • Name the item and select "External link" from the dropdown menu.
  • Insert the link and click "Save".

Organize Navigation

To rearrange the order of items in navigation:

  • Drag and drop items by holding the six-dot icon next to an item.

To hide an item:

  • Click the ‘eye’ icon. The item's color will change to indicate it is hidden.
  • Click the ‘eye’ icon again to make it visible.

Edit, Delete, or Merge Categories

Each navigation item has a three-dot menu on the right where you can:

  • Edit the item.
  • Delete the item.
  • Set the item as the homepage.

If you want to combine multiple categories into one with subcategories:

  • Drag one category over another to merge them.

Always remember to save changes to avoid losing your work!

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