Using Turis: A guide for buyers

Welcome to Turis! If you’re reading this, chances are a wholesaler has invited you to place B2B orders through Turis. Whether you’re new to the platform or just looking for a quick refresher, this guide will help you navigate the ordering process with ease.

Placing orders on Turis is designed to be as simple and intuitive as shopping on your favorite B2C websites. With a user-friendly interface and seamless ordering system, you can browse products, customize your selections, and complete purchases effortlessly.

In this guide, we’ll take you step by step through the process—from accessing your account and exploring the platform to placing your first order and understanding what happens next. By the end, you'll feel confident using Turis to manage your B2B purchases efficiently. Let’s get started!

Getting Access

To access your wholesaler’s Turis platform, you need an invitation from them. This invitation is typically sent to existing B2B retailers or those who apply via a form. While most wholesalers offer an application form where you can submit your details to request access, not all do. If your application is approved, you’ll receive an invitation to set a password and log in. The location of the application form may vary—it could be on their Turis login page or their B2C website. If you’re unsure how to gain access, reach out to your wholesaler directly.

The most common way to gain access is through a direct invitation from the wholesaler. This often happens if you’ve previously placed B2B orders with them or have expressed interest in their products via email. The invitation email will typically come from Turis, but don’t worry—this is simply on behalf of your wholesaler. The email will include the wholesaler’s name and logo, so you’ll know exactly which platform you’re gaining access to. Inside the email, you’ll find a link or button to set your password. Your wholesaler will not have access to see or manage your password.

If any of your colleagues also need their own account to place orders, they can be added as well. Simply contact your wholesaler and request additional buyer accounts for your retailer profile. Be sure to provide their name, company, and email.

💡 Tip: Bookmark the link to your wholesaler’s platform for quick and easy access in the future.

Browsing the site

Once you’ve set your password, you’ll be directed to the platform and can start placing your first order with the wholesaler. Simply browse the site and add products to your basket—just like shopping on a B2C website! The product setup may vary depending on the type of items available. Some products might have multiple variants, such as different colors or sizes, so be sure to check for these options before adding them to your basket.

Prices and discounts are pre-determined by the wholesaler before you log in. If you have a special pricing agreement with your wholesaler but don’t see the correct prices applied, contact them immediately to resolve the issue. 

If any discounts are available, they will automatically be applied to eligible items in your order. However, vouchers must be manually entered by you at checkout.

Once you’ve added all your items to your basket, click the basket icon in the upper-right corner to proceed to checkout.

Order history

As you continue placing orders with your wholesaler, you’ll have access to your order history. You can find this by expanding the tab next to your account name in the lower-left corner of your page.

Your previous orders will display order statuses and detailed information about each purchase. Additionally, for a quick and hassle-free re-order, you can duplicate a past order by clicking "Copy order to basket", instantly adding the items to your current basket.


Note: Not all wholesalers use this feature, so it may not be available on your account.

If you have any subscriptions with the wholesaler, you can find them by expanding the tab next to your account name.

Here, you’ll see both active and inactive subscriptions you’ve created, along with options to manage them. You can adjust the frequency, delete a subscription, or change its active/inactive status. However, please note that the products within a subscription cannot be modified.

Placing Your Order

When you're ready to place your order, proceed to checkout. Here, you'll have the opportunity to review your order, make last-minute changes, and update certain details.

Addresses & Delivery Options

  • The invoice address on your account and orders can only be edited by the wholesaler. If you notice any errors before or after placing your order, contact your wholesaler to update the details.
  • If you have alternative delivery addresses (e.g., multiple stores or offices), you can add them directly from the checkout. Click the pencil icon in the delivery address box to add a new address. Newly added addresses will be saved automatically for future orders, and you can also select previously saved addresses from here.

Order Notes & Subscription Options

  • If you have any comments for your order or need to add a Purchase Order Number (PO number), you can do so in the checkout.
  • If you want this order to be a recurring subscription, simply check the "Recurring order?" box and select how often you’d like the order to be placed.

Adjusting Products in Your Cart

In the order summary, you can:

  • View all selected products, including quantities and total costs.
  • Adjust quantities as needed.
  • Remove any unwanted items.
  • See applicable discounts applied to eligible products.

Some wholesalers also allow you to select a desired shipment date for your order. Depending on the wholesaler’s settings, you may either:

  1. Choose a single shipment date for the entire order, or
  2. Select different shipment dates for individual products.

Order Overview & Payment Options

On the right side of the checkout, you’ll find an order summary, including:

  • The total number of items/cases and SKUs.
  • A breakdown of costs, including any discounts, shipping fees, and VAT (if applicable).
  • A field to enter a voucher discount code if provided by your wholesaler.

The payment method for your order is predefined by your wholesaler. Most B2B orders are paid via invoice, though some wholesalers also offer credit card payments. Depending on the wholesaler’s setup, you may either:

  1. Choose between invoice or credit card payment, or
  2. Be restricted to a specific payment method set by the wholesaler.

Submitting Your Order

Before submitting your order, you must confirm that you agree to the wholesaler’s Terms and Conditions. These are required to proceed, and you can review them by clicking the provided hyperlink.

Once your order is submitted, you’ll be redirected to a confirmation page, and the wholesaler will begin processing your order.

Order Processing

Once your order is submitted, you will receive an automated order confirmation email from Turis. This email provides a summary of your order, including order details and your order number. Some wholesalers also allow you to download product images directly from the order confirmation email.

If there are any updates to your order—such as changes in products, discounts, or order status—you will receive an automated email highlighting these updates.

Additional Information


If you need assistance with the platform, order modifications, or any issues related to your order, please contact your wholesaler directly.

Forgotten Password

If you forget your password, you can easily reset it on the wholesaler’s login page. Simply click “Forgot Password?” below the login fields, enter your account email, and you’ll receive an email with a link to set a new password.

Saved Cart

If you're not ready to place your order immediately and prefer to add items to your cart gradually, Turis will automatically save your cart. The items will remain in your basket the next time you log in. However, please note that if you clear your browser cookies, your cart may be emptied.

Your wholesaler may also be able to view your unfinished cart from their backend and could reach out to assist or follow up with you.


Some wholesalers integrate their Turis platform with newsletter services like Mailchimp or Klaviyo, allowing them to add customers to a mailing list. In most cases, you will have the option to opt in via a double opt-in process.

If you prefer not to receive newsletters, please contact your wholesaler directly. These newsletters typically provide updates on new products, special discounts, and other important information.

We hope this guide has provided you with a clear understanding of how to navigate Turis and place your B2B orders seamlessly. Whether you're setting up your account, browsing products, managing subscriptions, or finalizing your order, Turis is designed to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your wholesaler. They will be happy to help with any platform-related inquiries, order modifications, or general support.

Now that you’re familiar with how to use Turis, you’re all set to streamline your B2B purchasing process and enjoy a hassle-free ordering experience. 

Happy shopping! 🎉

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