Setting Up Discount Vouchers

Discount vouchers allow you to offer retailers a discount on their total order (before VAT/Tax) at checkout. You can choose between percentage-based discounts or fixed monetary amounts.

Where to Find Discount Vouchers in Turis

To access the Discount Vouchers feature, go to:
Settings > Discounts > Vouchers

Creating a Discount Voucher

  • Start by Clicking the Plus Button:
    To create a new voucher, click on the plus button to begin.
  • Define the Voucher Name:
    In the 'My New Discount' field, give your voucher a name. This field is for internal use only and will not be visible to the buyer.
  • Select Discount Type:
    Choose whether the discount will be based on a percentage (e.g., 5%) or a fixed monetary amount (e.g., €100). In this example, we’re applying a 10% discount.
  • Set a Minimum Order Amount (Optional):
    You have the option to specify a minimum order amount for the voucher to be redeemed. This step is optional and can be left blank if not required.
  • Set the Start and End Date:
    Define the start and end dates for the voucher.
  • Important Note: If a retailer tries to redeem the voucher before the start date or after the end date, it will be invalid, and a message will appear at checkout: "The submitted voucher could not be redeemed."
  • Create a Voucher Code:
    Next, enter a voucher code. You can create a custom code or use the 'Generate' button to let Turis create one automatically.
  • Limit Voucher Usage per Retailer (Optional):
    Choose how many times a retailer can redeem the voucher. In this case, the voucher is limited to a single use per retailer.
  • Save the Voucher:
    Once all the information is filled in, click the ‘Create discount’ button to save the voucher.

What Does the Voucher Look Like in the Seller’s Backend?

After the voucher is saved, here’s what it will look like on the seller’s backend side (inside Turis).

What Will the Voucher Look Like on the Buyer’s Front-End?

Retailers can redeem the voucher by entering the voucher code (e.g., 'SPRING10') into the Voucher Discount field at checkout and clicking Apply.

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